Well, our little journey is about to begin! In May we are going to the UK! Sam has been asked to play some cricket in a town by the sea, about 15 mins from Liverpool! This has been a huge dream for us, to go to Britain and live in another country for 5 months and it's finally about to happen! And the thought of being able to visit lots of amazing parts of Europe as well! It's just so exciting but so, so scary as well!! There is so much we would like to do, so much we would like to explore, so much we are about to discover, to experience, to be a part of! There are so many amazing new memories that we are about to have! 
(The exciting bit!)
But stepping into the great unknown!
(The scary bit!)
But we can't wait!

1 comment:

admin said...

You will have the time of your lives!! I am SO excited for you!! chat all about it & give you my shopping list!!!!!! soon XO